February 20, 2011

Hello World. Shamefully, again it has been far too long since I've set foot here. Believe me when I say, that many a post has been composed in my brain along our wonderful tours this past year or so. I still see your faces and remember all of your kindnesses and hospitality along the way.

I can't go back in time to offer proper postings, but I thought to share some past tour images, peppered with comments here and there.

I also want you to be the first to know that Oren and I have completely finished the new album, Last Night On Earth. I confess that I am particularly excited with what has come out of our strange little sessions, and I can't wait until we can share this new piece of work with all of you. Looks like it will be May 9 in Europe. And hopefully not long after for the US; rest of the beautiful world, please stay tuned. xo, Jennifer